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Department of Spatial Planning
Working Packages

WP 5: Capacity building / Dual PhD (TUDO, SURP, all partners)

Resilient informal upgrading will only be successful and sustainable, if accompanied by capacity building of stakeholders at the local and national levels as well as in the academia and if results will be broadly disseminated and utilized. This includes the development, conduction and evaluation of training courses for key stakeholders involved in disaster risk management and urban governance. To sustain the knowledge and good practices of disaster risk reduction and management as well as urban governance in the Philippines and the partner countries Thailand and Vietnam, the first part of WP5 is the strengthening stakeholders’ capabilities and their networks are crucial. 

The second part, a Dual PhD between TUDO and SURP on topics of urban planning and resilience and disaster risk reduction and management with regular PhD workshops is planned. To build up a new generation of local experts on disaster risk reduction and management and urban governance, the Dual PhD program between TU Dortmund and UP SURP universities is a fundamental step in intensifying academic cooperation. Students at the PhD level shall be intensively involved in all research activities of the various WPs. LMU and Stuttgart Universities will be involved in joint supervision as well. 

D5.1 Training course curricula and training courses conducted and evaluated
D5.2 Report on a Dual PhD between TU Dortmund Institute of Spatial Planning and the University of the Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning
M5.1 Knowledge exchange workshops in Thailand and Vietnam took place
M5.2 Start of the training courses and first batch of PhD candidates
M5.3 Evaluation of training courses, start training courses in partner countries
M5.4 Evaluation of training courses in partner countries